4, Rajlaxmi Shopping Center, Near Saijpur Tower, Saijpur Bogha, Ahmedabad - 382345

Mon - Sat 9.00 AM to 7.00 PM

Sunday Halfday


May 13, 2019

At worst, mosquitoes transmit a range potentially fatal diseases. In India, the most prominent diseases spread by mosquitoes are malaria, dengue and Chikungunya as well as Japanese B encephalitis.The risk of mosquito-borne diseases is especially high in humid areas. In the more arid regions of India, mosquito infestation commonly peaks during and after the annual monsoon rainfalls. In the more tropic and humid regions, the peak of mosquito activity normally falls into the summers when high temperatures fasten the reproductive cycle of mosquitoes.

  • Mosquitoes have been in existance since the dinosaur era which is 400 million years ago.
  • They are found close to still water, where their larvae feed and develop.
  • They seem to be attracted to dark colours.
  • Mosquitoes will normally bite you at dawn or dusk – mostly nocturnal. That’s when their internal clocks tell them it is feeding time.
  • Mosquitoes are attracted to heat and they find lactic acid alluring thus would tend to bite people who had just exercised.
  • Bigger people tend to attract more mosquitoes because they produce higher Carbon Dioxide and lactic acid.
How does mosquito infestation affects your business?

Trust – immediate impact on employees’ trust.

Damage – serious damage to your health and hygiene reputation.

Cost – Loss of business opportunities when customers shared negative reviews on your business

Types of mosquito problem
  • Anopheles Mosquito - The development from egg to adult takes only between 6-10 days. The female will lay between 60-150 eggs after a blood meal. Anopheles mosquitoes commonly bite at night and rest indoors and outdoors during the day. Anopheles mosquitoes are transmitters of Malaria.
  • Culex Mosquitoes - Culex mosquitoes are transmitters of Japanese B Encephalitis, a very dangerous type of brain fever. They bite at night and rest before and after blood meals. Culex breeds in polluted stagnant water, and is a major pest problem in urban areas and metropolises of India, where it breeds in drains.

Aedes Mosquitoes - Unlike above mentioned species, Aedes mosquitoes are active during the day and they breed in clean water in man-made containers such as flower vases, water accumulation in tyres and cans. In India, Aedes mosquitoes are responsible for Chikungunya and Dengue. Their development from egg to mosquito is quite rapid (6-8 days).

How To keep mosquitoes away

To get rid of mosquitoes in your home, the best solution is to prevent them from breeding around your home and to prevent them from entering your home. Avoid being bitten by mosquitoes:

  • When outside at dusk or dawn, wear long sleeves, trousers, footwear and hats to reduce exposed skin.
  • Use mosquito repellent sprays on exposed skin.
  • Use mosquito repelling products or candles when sitting
  • Ensure drains are kept clear and running.
  • Ensure gutters and water gullies are not blocked.
  • Cover water butts with a lid.
  • Do not leave standing water.
  • Introduce mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) or guppies into garden ponds to eat mosquito larvae.
How to get rid of mosquitoes

There are a range of DIY products in the market to kill mosquitoes. But, an established mosquito problem may require professional pest control to ensure that you and your family are safe from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes often are a menace, especially during the peak seasons, and you should make sure you and your family are protected from Malaria, Dengue and Chikungunya.

Professional mosquito control

While DIY products can deal with smaller mosquito problems, a professional pest control service will be required for larger or multiple infestations. ASPC Pest Control technicians understand the habits of each mosquito species and also have a range of solutions to deal with mosquitoes and provide the reassurance that the problem has been fully dealt with. Especially for specialised pests like mosquitoes, specific treatments and experience are required to cope with the mosquito menace effectively. ASPC offers specialised Integrated Mosquito Management treatment that is effective against all sorts of mosquito infestations. ASPC offers a call-out service to deal with mosquito and other pest problems in the home. Our service is fast, effective and offers the highest level of safety for your family. If you would like further advice or to arrange a visit by a ASPC technician, call us on 9067303129

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